Benefits of HHD


Is More Frequent Hemodialysis Better?

Since the early days of dialysis, doctors quickly learned that 1-2 treatments per week did not clean the blood well enough. Many patients seemed to do well with a treatment schedule of three times per week so that was set as the established regimen. However, we have known since the 1980’s that the mortality ,rate of death, for dialysis patients is high. Recent studies have suggested that more frequent and longer treatments may offer significant benefits to health and well being.   

In order to provide treatments more often or for longer time periods, patients have to be cared for in a different way. A “one-size fits all” treatment system does not work for many people and may cause complications such as heart disease.

Worldwide, very few dialysis patients receive treatments five or more times per week even though reports show that patients receiving more frequent dialysis experience fewer deaths and improved health. Dialysis center schedules are set to do treatments three times per week so it is generally much easier to schedule more frequent treatments at home.

Benefits that may be experienced include:

  • A significantly lower risk of death.
  • Reduced stress on the heart caused by fluid buildup.
  • Significant, lasting improvement in symptoms of depression.
  • An 85% improvement in the time it takes to “recover” after each treatment, from nearly nine hours to about one hour, on average.
  • Fewer problems with high blood pressure, putting less strain on the body and heart. Many patients and doctors report being able to cut down or eliminate the amount of medicines needed.
  • Improvement in health-related quality of life scores, including physical and mental functioning.
  • Improved appetite with fewer fluid and dietary limits.
  • Increase in energy and vitality so that patients can go back to work and take care of their families.

Quality of Life Benefits of More Frequent Home Hemodialysis:

  • Due to the shorter post-treatment recovery time patients may gain a day or more of quality time per week.
  • More control, freedom and flexibility with treatment scheduling. This means patients can fit dialysis into their lives, rather than fitting their life around treatment.
  • Ability to travel without having to schedule in-center treatments along your route, with newer, portable machines.